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Pengwin How To's

A Linux distro optimized for WSL based on Debian.

Recently JetBrains shipped the IntelliJ 2021.1 EAP with an interesting addition. The possibility to compile and run Java programs whose source code is in WSL2. Everything from the Windows version of the IDE.

Install Java in Pengwin

Let’s prepare Pengwin for run Java project from IntelliJ:

  1. Install SDK Man from pengwin-setup. SDK Man is a very versatile distribution manager, where you can install and update not only any supported Java version but also Ant, Gradle, Maven, and many other tools. (
    $ pengwin-setup update
    $ pengwin-setup install PROGRAMMING JAVA
    $ source /etc/profile.d/
  2. List the JVM available and install one of them or simply install the default one.
    $ sdk list java
    $ sdk install java 11.0.3.hs-adpt # For example

    Or the default

    $ sdk install java

    Create a new project in IntelliJ

  3. Create a new Java project. You can choose Java, Gradle, or Maven.
  4. Choose the just installed JDK from the drop-down
  5. Remember to create the project in Pengwin home: \wsl$\WLinux\home\user
  6. Now refresh the Gradle project (or maven) in IntelliJ and you are ready to start coding, at the IO speed of Linux on Windows:

Additional instructions for Maven

Maven needs some more tweaks:

  1. If you haven’t installed java from apt, create a symbolic link from the default path
    $ sudo ln -s "$(which java)" /usr/bin/java
    $ sudo ln -s "$(which javac)" /usr/bin/javac
  2. Install Maven using SDKMAN
    $ sdk install maven